Asset Hierarchy Display Order
This tool allows you to determine the order in which Assets/Locations should be displayed in the Asset List. The Asset List can be ordered alphabetically (by Asset ID or Asset Name) or by a custom value.
Change the asset hierarchy display:
Select Tools > Asset > Asset Hierarchy Display Order from the Main Menu.
The Asset Hierarchy Display Order window opens, showing the highest levels of your Asset List by default.
The current order of display is listed as a hyperlink at the bottom-left corner of the window.
To change the currently configured order, click the hyperlink.
The Set Preference window opens, prompting you to designate an order.
Choose between three options:
Asset ID lists all assets and locations alphabetically by Asset ID.
Asset Name lists all assets and locations alphabetically by Asset Name.
Custom allows you to specify the order in which the assets and locations should be displayed.
Click Apply.
The window closes and you return to the Asset Hierarchy Display Order window. The window refreshes, and the top levels of the Asset List display in the specified order. The new order is listed in the hyperlink at the bottom of the window.
If you selected Asset ID or Asset Name, you can exit the window by clicking the Close button.
If you selected Custom, you can indicate your desired order using the Display Order fields on the right.
Specify a custom order:
Select the node of the list for which you want to specify a custom order.
The assets and locations below that node will be displayed in the results on the right in asset name-order.
Enter the desired sequence in the Display Order fields for each node of the list.
If a value already exists in a Display Order field, you will need to delete the existing value before entering a new one.
Assets without a Display Order value specified are listed in alphabetical order below the assets with designations.
Click Save.
The display in the left side of the window will not immediately correspond to the changes you made. The changes will take effect after you exit the window.
Repeat steps a-c for any additional nodes of the Asset List you want to configure.
Click Close.
The window closes.